Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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About Us

The Fopsters are those FOPS who are actively engaged as Councillors, serving on the FOPS Council and raising awareness, organising social events and fundraising. Since the FOPS were recognised as a charity by HMRC in March 2012, some of the Councillors also now serve as Trustees.

We are an ACTIVE group - Please listen and watch – new ideas always welcome

It also shows you can survive and still have fun.

Songs & CD

The Mick Flynn Band - Curl a Mo

Test in time

Jim's Journey

We're the FOPS

Videos and DVD

Containing these videos and more...

The Prostate Message

Prostate Week Explained

Both the CD and DVD are available on request for a donation

NOTE: We are indebted to the management at both the "Bedford Arms" and "Rose & Crown" in Chorleywood, for supporting our cause and allowing us to host many of our meetings and other activites.

Our Aims

The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

About the FOPS
Join the FOPS today!

Personal Stories

Roger's Story It was late 2008 when I ventured to my GP mentioning having to get up more frequently at night. So, the first PSA test, which at the age of 60 came back at 4.5. There followed 4 more PSA tests over two years with the last one being 6. With my GP retiring I was allocated a new doctor, who just happen... Read more...
Life can go on

Watch our video