Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Next Virtual Support Group Meeting (via Zoom) - Wed 6th November (TBC) - Details


If you have arrived on this page because you are concerned about prostate cancer, then we, as a support group, are here to help you!

If any of the below relate to you, then please do feel free to contact Bob on: 01923 284424 about your situation to help you decide if you could benefit from coming along to one of our gatherings.

1) Recently diagnosed with prostate cancer
2) Awaiting results of a PSA or biopsy test
3) Would like to know more about your options for treatment
4) You are already experiencing post-treatment side-effects
5) You would like to meet others who have already had to make these decisions and experience their outcomes
6) You need help understanding medical jargon (Prostatectomy and radiotherapy are not exactly words your hear every day!)
7) You would just like to be a bit more knowledge about prostate cancer in general

Our monthly meetings are relaxed and informal and are on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. At present meetings are being held online via 'Zoom'. Although when COVID restrictions allow we will be returning to holding regular support group meetings at The Junction, Christ Church, Chorleywood - where tea, coffee, a glass of wine (or two) will also available.

We have found that when you meet other men who were diagnosed 6, 10, 15, 16 years ago, the dark cloud that the word "Cancer" seems to evoke is not quite so threatening after all

We particularly welcome wives and partners or other family members to attend our meetings as they too may be part of your journey.

Apart from our three consultant urologists, Alvan Pope, Julian Shah and Vimoshan Arumuham, we have other professionals who also give their time and expertise on a voluntary basis to help make these meetings the success they have become. This success would not have been possible without men like you are prepared to share their experience of prostate cancer with the rest of us.

You will find that as a group we have created a relaxed, easy atmosphere enabling you to feel comfortable and more in control of your own situation. Please do watch our support group video, which will give you the general idea of what we are about.

So, you are there - we are here and until we meet we can but offer you the hand of friendship and support, for our watchword is "Enter as strangers - leave as friends".

The May 31st Support Group Meeting - Our meeting on May 31st was one of our best to date. To have men and their partners tell us they "enjoyed" the evening is indeed gratifying, as a "Prostate Cancer Support Group Meeting" and "enjoy" are not exactly words you would think to link together. The thirteen new attendees were very much made to feel welcome. Alvan Pope, our Consultant Urologist, was his usual brilliant self, and certainly had a very busy evening dealing with so many questions, but somehow managed to address each new person and deal with their particular concerns. The letter below we received a few days after the meeting perhaps says it all.


Below is a letter we received after our May 2017 support group meeting...

Dear FOPS,

I thought that I should write to you following my first visit to your excellent Support Group. The people at the meeting were so friendly, the FOPS team so welcoming and your Urologist so approachable and understanding, that I felt very relaxed being there. I had kept my thoughts to myself, as I now realise so many men do, for several years since I was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer, and I would like to say that the relief I felt after my first FOPS meeting was wonderful.

Sharing in the experiences of others and talking through my own concerns immediately lifted my morale.

I am so glad that I attended a FOPS meeting and will be returning.

With thanks to everybody involved in FOPS,

Best wishes,
Charles Frost

The FOPS response:

Dear Charles, The Support Group will no doubt benefit greatly from your personal letter of endorsement following your first visit on May 31st, but more importantly men and their partners may just take comfort from knowing we exist and be brave enough to take that most difficult first step through our doors. We assure you they will be made welcome.

Over the past five years of existence, we have learned that the open door policy of these gatherings has been one of the main contributing factors to its success. Greeting so many new people at our last meeting was a privilege, and indeed encouragement to keep going should our age-related enthusiasm and energy start to wane. Thank you Charles, for helping to raise the FOPS support group flag that little bit higher, so others may see it.

Kind regards,
Gabrielle, Dennis, Aiden, Marie, Jim, Shirley Support Group Organisers

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Personal Stories

Denis McCarthy Denis suffered from prostate Cancer during the latter years of his life. However, he really enjoyed being on the FOPS Council and chatting with our Consultants and his Councillor friends when he wasn’t busy contributing on current Council Matters which he found very comforting as he fought the... Read more...
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We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.

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Watch our video