Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Mexican Fandango Evening

14th November 2009

The Mexican Fandango Evening at Chenies Cricket Club in November 09 was a fantastic success from start to finish. Dozens of locals, many of whom who frequent The Rose and Crown (see FOPS night), packed into the cozy clubhouse to enjoy a feast of Mexican food, cooked by the inimitable Roger Foord of Lloyds of London - he who has had a score or more letters published in the Times and he who also organised the venue and the raffle prizes from local another part of his hobby. ??

During the meal there was plenty of lively chat and the sale of raffle tickets was brisk, hundreds of tickets being sold. Then came the entertainment; first was Jim Spence with a number from the sixties which bought the house down. Then he sang 'Jims Journey' from the newly published CD called Test in Time by the Fopsters, and Bob Arthy then sang 'Test in Time'- no tomatoes were thrown, there was plenty of applause for both 'old gits' and many CD's were purchased.

Mike the Music then got us dancing to his lively disco tunes which were interspersed with comedians from the ranks telling a succession of jokes and stories. A brilliant evening was had by one and all and £528.69 raised to be shared by Prostate UK and The Prostate Cancer Charity thanks to the generosity of all the lads and lasses present.

So its onwards and upwards….just keep watching this space!

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The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

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