Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Next Virtual Support Group Meeting (via Zoom) - Wed 6th November (TBC) - Details


Jim and I pitched up at Rootz in the Swillet with our guitars last dark Monday evening, as Phil had organised a Movember evening with any profits being split between the FOPS and Movember Charities.

As we opened the door we spied Mick and Donna, the FOPS songbirds perched on stools, entertaining the twenty or so guests who had braved the cold and dark. Mick was playing his beautifully melodic 12 string and Donna was descanting with him making ballads from the 60’s and 70’s their very own. They, with their magical music, engendered a most relaxed and wonderful atmosphere as we all chatted and and ordered food. I reckon the atmosphere was such that all those present reckoned we were so fortunate to be together on this Magical Monday Eevening.

The food at Rootz was wonderful. I love my fish and their cook has a way with Moules Marienaire so I ordered those with Sea Bream as a main course. Then someone was served up lamb cutlets, like you’ve never seen before, so a few of us changed our orders…no problem …nothing is a problem at Rootz they aim to please one and all and they certainly pleased us all.

Wow - the wines were something to die for, Jimmy was driving, so our foursome cracked a couple of bottles of delicious French white as we all chatted and joked with our neighbours. Then came the time for the FOPS Presentation…..Mick lent me his mellifluous 12 string and I was energised by the sweet sweet sounds. I managed to thank Phil and all those brave souls who attended, before lecturing on the Perils of the Prostate and singing ‘I need a PSA Today’ which didn’t sound too bad. Then Jimmy did his Umpire song which is very clever and humorous too a Great Antidote to Serious Arthy so he had ‘em rolling in the aisles.

And so the night wore on with Mick and Donna taking requests so I said ‘Mick, please play your Movember song - and he did…. They all listened spell bound as Mick and Donna sang Micks song ….When the last note died away they all cheered, stamped and shouted till the rafters shook …’Get it recorded’ They just loved Mick’s Song and couldn’t understand why the Movember organisers hadn’t used it as their Theme Tune.

After all is said and done, if you, as I am doing, put words into a paper, then chances are it will get used to wrap the fish and chips…. If however you use the words to form a song then it may well stay in people’s hearts for ever….. That is the power of Music and that Ladies and Gentlemen is why we FOPS and forming a choir to be directed and conducted by Mr Orchestra himself …..our very own Vartan Melkonian. So let me know if you’d like to be in our choir soonest please.

Many Thanks & God Bless you Bob

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The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

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