Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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From 5 pm it was all go setting up the downstairs rooms in The Junction for the 6 pm welcoming speech and the blood sampling that followed. From 5.30 pm a steady flow of men, often with their partners, arrived and filled in registration forms and the majority then completed Assessment Forms for giving blood to eventually receive their PSA values.

There were plenty of FOPS members ‘meeting and greeting’ visitors by the front door and many FOPS ladies serving teas and coffees, so the men were fine as the awesomely unique atmosphere within Christ Church seemed to ease the worries of all, especially the men who were giving blood, throughout the evening.
Our wonderful five young lady Phlebotomists were ready to take blood soon after six and they worked their socks off throughout the evening taking a grand total of 78 blood samples for future analysis.

Phil Williams, a staunch FOPS supporter, looked smart in his Councillors regalia and there is a great photo of Phil with Consultants Julian Shah, Alvan Pope and Victoria Muir taken before the Talk by Julian and Alvan entitled 'Trouble Down Below' started at 7 pm with over a hundred audience next door in the Nave at Christ Church. Then at 7.30 there was a break as Victoria gathered ladies for her talk 'Something for the Ladies' in the front room where she was surrounded by many seated females who much enjoyed her presentation.

At around 8 pm a very lively and interesting question and answer session took place back in Church when Julian and Alvan asked the audience for questions and then involved the audience with their full and very positive answers that stimulated further questions from many of the audience.
Sadly all good things have to come to an end, but after the Thank You speech on behalf of all the FOPS Julian and Alvan were both given an ovation.

And so ended our 8th Prostate Roadshow which many are calling our very best. So keep on looking at the website and sometime in mid-2019 we should be offering you another chance to test the health of your Prostate.
Thanks for coming on the 15th and hope to see you next year!

Love and Peace,
Bob (FOPS Chair)

Our Aims

The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

About the FOPS
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Personal Stories

Uplifting Stories On the 21st and 23rd of December Dennis, a local popular garage owner, was told at Watford General hospital he had a PSA of 112 and then on retest 119. This blew his mind and in his words gave him 'high anxiety stress' which led him to contact the FOPS on Christmas Eve. Dennis talked to several FOPS... Read more...
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