Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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The FOPS were chosen to be one of the three monthly charity’s for January who share the monthly £1000 prize between them, depending on how many green tokens each Charity attracts during January.

So tell all your friends to join you on a daily shop at Waitrose, that would earn you 7 tokens a week. Even if you only buy a Newspaper you get a green token...

See you in Waitrose !

Our Aims

The FOPS greatest accomplishment is that, working together, we have helped, and will keep on helping, men affected by Prostate Cancer (also known as 'Tiger Cancer') turn themselves away from their personal precipices and get their lives back together. Learn more...

About the FOPS

Personal Stories

Jim's Story It was quite a shock to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in November 2008. I had been to the Doctors with a waterworks problem as many men do. I got up a lot at night but had had this problem a long time. I had various tests but no improvement on my water works. So at 71 years of age I decided to h... Read more...

Upcoming Events

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