Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Events for June 2016

Janet Seidel Concert

6th June 2016
Janet Seidel Concert photographJanet Siedel, Australia's first lady of jazz will be singing at Christ Church, Chorleywood on D Day Mon 6th June 7.30pm for 8pm Tickets £15 available from Chorleywood Bookshops, Harshiks A & E Newsagency, Hitesh & Rajula's Pharmacy, Pradip's Pharmacy and Stratton Bakers or Tel: 01923 282424 or 282199 Welcome to the Janet Seidel Concert at Christ Church Chorleywood. I do hope you have a very enjoyable evening, which is organised by Friends of Prostate Sufferers (FOPS). Once you have take[...]

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Personal Stories

Phil's Story I have worked for myself for the majority of my working career and have kept myself fairly fit. On looking back on the 2 years before I was diagnosed with P.C. I was getting very tired in the late afternoons, but put this down to business pressure and old age. After having a healthy sex life, I was... Read more...

Make a Donation

We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.

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