Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Events for June 2019

The FOPS 8th Prostate Roadshow - Monday 3rd June 6pm-10pm photographThe Junction at Christ Church Chorleywood will one again be the venue for the next FOPS Free PSA Testing session... Monday 3rd June 6pm-10pm Debbie Bloomfield has kindly agreed to host another Free PSA testing session, allowing us to use the ground floor accommodation and the Church for the interactive lectures from 8pm on ‘Prostate Matters’ by Alvan Pope and Julian Shah, also Victoria Muir on ‘Ladies Issues Down Below'. Meanwhile in the back room Hitesh and Rajula will be d[...]

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June 2019 FOPS Support Group Meeting (Wed 5th June 2019) photographFrom 7.30pm to 9.00pm at The Junction, Christ Church, Chorleywood At the FOPS Support Group we all have at least one thing in common - we've all had prostate cancer and we've survived thanks to a variety of treatments. We exist to help men, their partners and their families at a time when they are worried about prostate cancer. When you first discover that you have prostate cancer it can be a huge shock to you and your family. It's a time when you will probably feel reluctant to talk, however,[...]

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Personal Stories

Derek's Story Feb 2010 I am married, retired and spend part of the year in Cyprus. While I was there I went for a routine “Well Man” check up in April 2006 aged 60. All was well except my PSA (whatever that was) was a bit high (5.2 instead of 2.6 for men of my age). I was advised to get it checked ou... Read more...

Make a Donation

We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.

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