We have set out some common FAQs below but have also added in the side bar some useful links to some of the main "Prostate Organsisations" and for "Specific Treatments" or "Publications" and other "Local Support Groups" with whom we liase so hopefully you should find the answers you are looking for. If you think there other questions or links that would be beneficial to be added please "Contact Us"
Assuming you are over 50
The FOPS can talk about their own experiences and put you in touch with qualified professionals if required. We have both a GP and Urologist specifically supporting our group as well as support from the local GP practices and other professionals.
Request it from your GP. This is your entitlement but currently still has to be requested.
Not necessarily, but your GP will probably require you to have further tests. In all cases after a PSA test ask your GP for the PSA reading. A simple it's 'ok' or 'nothing to worry about' will not do. (You then have a benchmark for any future tests.)
Not necessarily, but even if you have no other symptoms it may still be worth having a follow up PSA in 12 months time. In all cases after a PSA test ask your GP for the PSA reading. A simple it's 'ok' or 'nothing to worry about' will not do. (You then have a benchmark for any future tests.)
Diet certainly plays a part - see "Publications"
Yes - so you should be requesting a PSA test regularly
Talk it over with your GP. You may need to have a DRE or biopsy to confirm whether or not cancer is present and whether any further action is required.
Talk to your GP and to the FOPS. There is also a lot of information available on the Internet. Check out our Links page.
Discuss with your Specialist or your GP or the FOPS. You are not alone and there is help available.
Pros - it would save approximately 1000 lives/year.
Cons - it would be very expensive: it would cause much more unnecessary anxiety for those being tested
Men's Health and 13th Annual PSA testing event - Mon 14th October 6:30pm - 8:30pm Read more...
We can't do it without your Support! - You can make a donation to The FOPS at one of our events or support groups. Alternativly, please contact our team to arrange a donation via cheque or bank transfer.