Inside our "Upcoming Events" section - we have just announced another upcoming support group meeting via Zoom! From 7.45pm (for 8pm start sharp) on Wed 5th March 2025, we will be holding a meeting with our three resident Consultant Urologists.
Before the meeting - members will be emailed joining instructions... If you are not a FOPS member please sign up on our "join us" page and we will send you joining instructions too. If you have any questions about our meeting please do contact us, via tel[...]
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The FOPS had a stand at the Chorleywood Village Day. Being 4 hours long, this is much smaller than the two day Rickmansworth River Festival we did a couple of months back, but we still spoke with many people about prostate awareness, and some new members joined. Thanks to our volunteers who helped out with talking to the visitors. Thanks also to Phil Williams, who paid for our pitch. It was another event which was good fun for those taking part.
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Chorleywood Parish Council (CPC) unanimously decided to honor Bob Arthy for establishing and leading Friends of Prostate Sufferers (FOPS) following his own bladder cancer diagnosis in 2008.
Acknowledging over a decade of dedicated service, the council remarked: “Many local men are alive and well due to Mr. Arthy’s efforts in raising awareness of this issue. Both they and their families have benefitted greatly from the support provided by FOPS.”
In a Facebook post, FOPS shared[...]
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Inside our "Upcoming Events" section - we have just announced another upcoming support group meeting via Zoom! From 7.45pm (for 8pm start sharp) on Wednesday 3rd Feb, we will be holding a meeting with our three resident Consultant Urologists.
Before the meeting - members will be emailed joining instructions... If you are not a FOPS member please sign up on our "join us" page and we will send you joining instructions too. If you have any questions about our meeting please do contact us, via tele[...]
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Inside our "Upcoming Events" section - we have just announced another upcoming support group meeting via Zoom! From 7.45pm (for 8pm start sharp) on Wednesday 6th Jan 2021, we will be holding a meeting with our three resident Consultant Urologists.
Before the meeting - members will be emailed joining instructions... If you are not a FOPS member please sign up on our "join us" page and we will send you joining instructions too. If you have any questions about our meeting please do contact us, via[...]
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Inside our "Upcoming Events" section - we have just announced another upcoming support group meeting via Zoom! From 7.45pm (for 8pm start sharp) on Wednesday 2nd December, we will be holding a meeting with our three resident Consultant Urologists.
Before the meeting - members will be emailed joining instructions... If you are not a FOPS member please sign up on our "join us" page and we will send you joining instructions too. If you have any questions about our meeting please do contact us, via[...]
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Inside our "Upcoming Events" section - we have just announced another upcoming support group meeting via Zoom! From 7.45pm (for 8pm start sharp) on Wednesday 7th October we will be holding a meeting with our three resident Consultant Urologists.
Before the meeting - members will be emailed joining instructions... If you are not a FOPS member please sign up on our "join us" page and we will send you joining instructions too. If you have any questions about our meeting please do contact us, via t[...]
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Owing to the Covid 19 epidemic the 10th FOPS PSA Testing Roadshow on Monday 1st June has been postponed until Covid-19 is overcome.
We will keep everyone updated. Please come back for further details.
Venue: The Junction, Christchurch, Chorleywood, WD3 5SG 6.00pm until 9.00pm (Sometime in November TBC)
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We are pleased to announce the launch of a new section to on The FOPS website - a 'Join Us' page.
During these unprecedented times - we wanted to ensure potential new members (together with wives/partners) are able to quickly and easily register to join The FOPS.
To complete the form online - please visit https://www.thefops.org.uk/join - alternatively, we do have paper versions too. Either way, you will be contacted by a FOPS member after we receive your completed form.
As a member, we will[...]
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Our resident Consultant Urologists have suggested that FOPS friends may contact them with any concerns during the Coronavirus quarantine period.
Please read about our Three FOPS Consultants by accessing The Medical Team page then email the Consultant of your choice and give him your telephone number so he can phone you and you can then discuss your concerns with your Consultant.
Alvan Pope - alvan.pope1@nhs.net Julian Shah - pjrshah@hoitmail.com Vimo - v.arumuham@nhs.net
We would like to than[...]
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