Friends of Prostate Sufferers - Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Tackle AGM June 2017

17th June 2017
Tackle AGM June 2017 photographLast Tuesday the 13th June I (Bob Arthy) was privileged to attend with nearly a hundred others the AGM of Tackle which now represents 87 PSA Support Groups throughout the UK. The organisation of the AGM was superb, for instance we all received an Agenda which came with a detailed researched background to each item on the Agenda. Stand up Roger Wotton as we all salute your drive and enthusiasm not to mention your Chairmanship that is truly enervating this Nationwide Association of Prostate Cancer[...]

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XK Club Round Britain Coastal Drive photographOne hundred plus Jaguar XK models from the 1950’s are taking part in this Coast of Britain Drive from June 12th – 29th. Entrants are joining in for one day or as many as they are able between these dates. FOPS founder member David Cottingham and his good pal Dr Ian Fyfe joined in for the start from Beaulieu on Monday June 12th and drove the first three stages in Ian’s 1953 Jaguar XK 120 FHC. Cars were flagged away on the 12th June from the National Motor Museum by F1 moto[...]

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The enthusiastic FOPS Welcoming Team did a wonderful job in meeting and greeting nearly one hundred men and ladies who had come for a PSA Test or just to take part in the Presentations of 'Trouble Down Below' and 'Something for the Ladies'.The FOPS Team, chatted and served coffees, helping men to complete their Consent Forms, and then leading them to Hitesh and Rajula our FOPS Chemists who had compiled the Consent forms and the Introductory leaflets and who oversaw the PSA Testing procedure. Th[...]

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Itinerary for the FOPS 6th Annual Roadshow photographThe itinerary for the FOPS 6th Annual Roadshow has been printed. But we have attached a copy ahead of the event on Monday 5th June. See below:

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The Spring Fever Dance - Rave of the Year photographThe Spring Fever Dance on Saturday evening April 29th at the Chorleywood Tennis Club attracted a full clubhouse of over seventy souls who danced the night away to the Mick Flinn Band who played such wonderfully rhythmical music. What with Elaine's delicious finger food and Jimmy and Jules serenading us in the Interval it was a real night to remember as the Spring Fever Dance turned into the "Rave of the Year". Our thanks to the Tennis Club for hosting this most successful FOPS event.

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Keeping the Tiger under Control

22nd February 2017
Keeping the Tiger under Control photographWell the FOPS started in March 2009, after a few sufferers put on white coats and chatted up Chorleywood shoppers on a sunny Saturday morning, about the absolute necessity of 'men of a certain age' having regular checks on their blood levels of Prostate Specific Antigen... which can show the presence of a Cancer in the Prostate gland the Generator of Life. Then the die was cast. Our new FOPS membership form shows a photo of Alvan Pope our President and six sufferers at maybe the first Committee[...]

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Live Music, food & drink at Rootz Coffee Lounge, Chorleywood WD3 5RB photographLive Music With The Wee, Plastic, Denture Band - Featuring Julian Shah and the Singing Surgeons 7.30pm on Friday 3rd Feb 2017 An evening of music, food & drink at Rootz Coffee Lounge, Chorleywood WD3 5RB

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Review of the December Support Group Meeting & Newsletter photographI am almost embarrassed to say that in our Christmas raffle I won the opera tickets and my daughter won the turkey! Thank heavens Peter Sorrell won the wine thereby, just about, saving our blushes! The wine was donated by Bryan Frewin who, looking the picture of health, made his annual pilgrimage to our meeting. Thank you, Bryan….see you next Xmas?! The raffle and other contributions raised £374 so thank you one and all. Little Marina Walton our next door neighbour’s daughter[...]

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Get Thee Down to Rickmansworth Waitrose... photographThe FOPS were chosen to be one of the three monthly charity’s for January who share the monthly £1000 prize between them, depending on how many green tokens each Charity attracts during January. So tell all your friends to join you on a daily shop at Waitrose, that would earn you 7 tokens a week. Even if you only buy a Newspaper you get a green token... See you in Waitrose !Bob

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Personal Stories

Uplifting Stories On the 21st and 23rd of December Dennis, a local popular garage owner, was told at Watford General hospital he had a PSA of 112 and then on retest 119. This blew his mind and in his words gave him 'high anxiety stress' which led him to contact the FOPS on Christmas Eve. Dennis talked to several FOPS... Read more...

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